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Solar Moonshot Program Grantee

Asian Pacific Environmental Network
"APEN is excited to partner with RYSE to install a solar and storage system at RYSE Commons as part of developing a youth-led resilience and liberation hub for art, healing, and community transformation. The solar power generated at RYSE will reduce greenhouse gases and air pollution, and provide an important source of electricity during neighborhood power outages. This is especially important to us in Richmond due to wildfire seasons and our close proximity to the Chevron Refinery."
-Katherine Lee, Richmond Youth Organizer, Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Asian Pacific Environmental Network
Environmental Benefit Equivalencies (25 Years)
Icon of power plant burning coal

Pounds of Coal Burned
Home energy icon

Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
Acres of forest icon

Acres of U.S. Forest CO2 Sequestration for 1 Year