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Solar Moonshot Program Grantee

Be a Helping Hand
“Be a Helping Hand is a minority-led, affordable housing development nonprofit in Nashville, TN. We are excited to provide solar + battery systems to our affordable housing, bolstering support for energy justice and our Solar Equity Program. The impacts of climate change as well as the pandemic have exacerbated existing inequities in the communities that we serve, highlighting the urgent need for the equitable transition to renewable energy. Our Solar Equity Program empowers marginalized communities in Nashville by providing pivotal affordable housing equipped with resilient solar power, as well as solar installation training and job opportunities essential for an inclusive transition to renewable energy, a prerequisite for the health and survival of humanity and a sustainable future amid our changing climate.”
-Sara Jean Schweitzer, Green Programs Administrator, Be a Helping Hand
Be a Helping Hand
Environmental Benefit Equivalencies (25 Years)
Icon of power plant burning coal

Pounds of Coal Burned
Home energy icon

Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
Acres of forest icon

Acres of U.S. Forest CO2 Sequestration for 1 Year