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Solar Moonshot Program Grantee

Centro PASO
“The need for electricity became our main issue after the passage of Hurricane Maria, it affected us greatly and became a necessity to offer our services to the people affected. When people came looking for a refrigerator to store their medicines during that time, we had nowhere to keep them, and we couldn't store fresh food as well. Due to the lack of water and electricity, we were generously given an electricity generator by a donor, but the expense and little access to gasoline still made our operations very difficult. We needed to save on electricity spending in a sustainable way and able to respond in times of community crisis. It is very difficult to help our community without electricity and a reliable power generation system in Puerto Rico. The independence and reliability of energy is essential for all.”
- Margarita Centeno, Director Centro PASO
Centro PASO
Environmental Benefit Equivalencies (25 Years)
Icon of power plant burning coal

Pounds of Coal Burned
Home energy icon

Homes' Electricity Use for 1 Year
Acres of forest icon

Acres of U.S. Forest CO2 Sequestration for 1 Year